Resilience Quiz
Take this informal self-assessment to help you gain insight into your current state of resilience. For the following statements rate each from 1 to 5, with one meaning you totally disagree and 5 meaning you strongly agree. Total your score to determine how resilient you are.
I tend to bounce back quickly after stressful times
When I get upset, I generally calm down quickly
I am generally hopeful about life
I feel loved and supported
I ask for help when I need it
I have healthy and trusting relationships
My overall physical health is great
I choose healthy activities to decrease stress
I exercise at least 3 times per week
I generally feel well rested
My diet is generally healthy
I am compassionate towards myself
50 - 60 Very resilient
40 - 49 Resilient
30 - 39 Moderate resilience risk
Below 30 high risk