LERNER For Life Resources
Seven Minute Power Brain Training
This Seven Minute Power Brain Training exercise is a series of seven one-minute processes designed to quickly induce mindfulness and relaxation, boost focus and creativity, as well as enhance mood and a sense of wellbeing. If helpful, please also refer to the audio version available on the Lerner For Life website. I recommend that you do this exercise once or twice daily.
Rather than watching a clock, try doing five or six breaths of each step, then proceed to the next. To begin get in a comfortable position either sitting or laying down with eyes closed.
Step 1: 4/4/8 breathing. Inhale to a count of four, hold to a count of four and exhale to a count of eight. Continue at your own comfortable pace.
Step 2: body scan up and down. Pay attention to your feet as your start to inhale. Slowly scan your body attention upward - so you reach the top of your head as you complete your inhale. Exhale slowly as you reverse scanning from your head down to your feet.
Step 3: body scan center out. In your mind find the very center of your body. As you inhale expand your attention in all directions outward like a growing bubble until you are aware of your entire body - front, back, top and bottom. Exhale slowly, shrinking the bubble of your awareness back to the center of your body.
Step 4: three good things. While breathing slowly and deeply think of one good thing, big or small. With the few breaths savor that thought. Now think of a second good thing and with the next few breaths savor that thought. Bring a third good thing to mind and with the next few breaths savor that thought.
Step 5: subtle smile. While breathing slowly and deeply add a subtle smile to your face.
Step 6: act as if. While breathing slowly and deeply think of one thing that you would like to be true and imagine that it is fully and completely true right now.
Step 7: follow the breath. Simply follow your breath in and out. If your awareness drifts, gently bring your attention back to your breath.
This completes your power brain training session. Any of the 7 steps can be done in a stand alone fashion as well. Pick your favorites and enjoy.